Research Team
McCartney Research Group 2024: Alex Perales, Yu Lu, Yuquan Lin, Tae-Hyuk Kwon (visiting professor), Fatemah Behbehani (visiting professor), Xufei Liu, Camille Gaz, Phu Nguyen, Rita Pentsakov, Jennifer Diep, John McCartney, Mayalia Guntle, Axel Yarahuaman
McCartney Research Group 2023: Danielle Richards, Jason Melara, Sara Walston, John McCartney, Omar Salem, Isaac Kreitzer, Axel Yarahuaman, Riho Ogata, Yu Lu
(not shown: Camille Gaz)
McCartney Research Group 2022 at the CalGeo BBQ: Jeffrey Newgard (second from left), John McCartney (third from left), Isaac Kreitzer (fourth from left)
(not shown: Axel Yarahuaman, Kaitlin Hall, Yu Lu)
McCartney Research Group 2021: Yu Lu, Jeffrey Newgard, Dellena Kinikles, Isaac Kreitzer, Axel Yarahuaman, John McCartney, Radhavi Samarakoon, Fatemah Behbehani
McCartney Research Group 2017: Leticia Nocko, Radhavi Samarakoon, Yewei Zheng, Professor Liao, John McCartney, Tugce Baser, Ismaail Ghaaowd (not shown: Wenyong Rong, Kaitlin Hall)
McCartney Research Group 2016: Back row from left: Kaitlin Hall, Yewei Zheng, Woongju Mun, Xu Huang, Tugce Baser, Ismaail Ghaaowd, Professor Patrick Fox, John McCartney; Front row from left: Leticia Nocko, Wenyong Rong, Professor Atsushi Takai, Diming Chen
McCartney Research Group 2015: Lan Luo (Advisor Dr. Tomac), Kaitlin Hall, Leticia Nocko, John McCartney, Ismaail Ghaaowd, Professor Atsushi Takai, Diming Chen, Yewei Zheng, Aoi Seo, Wenyong Rong, Xu Huang, Tugce Baser (Not shown: Woongju Mun, CJ Coccia, Ashkaan Hushmand)
McCartney Research Group 2013: Standing left to right: William Beckman, Joseph Goode, Kyle Murphy, Ashkaan Hushmand, Mahmud Shanina, John McCartney, Ingrid Tomac, Thierry Traore, Cyrus Hoda, Seated left to right: Woongju Mun, CJ Coccia, Mohammed Shanina, Ismaail Ghaaowd, Min Zhang (Not shown: Melissa Stewart, Jenna Svoboda, Nahed Alsherif)
McCartney Research Group 2009: from left to right: Yong-Beom Lee, Russell Berends, Joshua Rosenberg, John McCartney, Ali Khosravi, Jean Parks, Majid Ghayoomi
Current Post-Docs
Yu Lu (2021-present) - Coupled Heat Transfer and Water Flow in Compacted Bentonite
Current PhD Students:
Yuquan Lin (2024-present) – Ph.D. Student – Centrifuge modeling of torpedo pile penetration and pullout.
Xufei Liu (2024-present) – Ph.D. Student – Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Behavior of Compacted Bentonite under High Temperatures.
Axel Yarahuaman (2020-present) - Ph.D. Candidate - Shake Table Testing of Rail Embankments
Kaitlin Hall (2015-present) - Ph.D. Candidate - Consolidation of Unsaturated Soils (Primary Advisor: P. Fox)
Graduated PhD Students:
Yong-Beom Lee, Ph.D. – Deformation Analysis of Shored Mechanically Stabilized Walls. (co-Advisor: H.-Y. Ko)
Majid Ghayoomi, Ph.D. – Settlement of Unsaturated Soil Layers during Earthquake Shaking. (co-Advisor: H.-Y. Ko)
Ali Khosravi, Ph.D. – Impact of Stress State on the Dynamic Properties of Unsaturated Soils
Nahed Alsherif, Ph.D. – Nonisothermal Behavior of Unsaturated Silt Under High Suction Magnitudes
Charles James Coccia, Ph.D. - Mechanisms of Thermal Volume Change of Unsaturated Soils
Mahmud Shanina, Ph.D. - Impact of Stress Induced Anisotropy on the Thermal Volume Change of Unsaturated Soils
Ashkaan Hushmand, Ph.D. - Centrifuge Modeling of the Response of Buried Structures to Earthquake Shaking (co-Advisor: S. Dashti)
WoongJu Mun, Ph.D. - True Triaxial Testing of Unsaturated Soils under High Stresses
Tuğçe Başer - Ph.D. - Coupled Heat Transfer and Water Flow in Soil-Borehole Thermal Energy Storage Systems in Unsaturated Soil Profiles
Yewei Zheng, Ph.D. - Numerical Simulations and Shaking Table Tests of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Bridge Abutments. (co-Advisor: P. Fox)
Ismaail Ghaaowd - Ph.D. - Thermal Improvement of the Pullout Capacity of Offshore Foundations in Soft Clays
Leticia Nocko - Ph.D. - Heat Extraction from Municipal Solid Waste Landfills: Measurement of Thermal Properties and Assessment of Heat Generation and Transfer Processes
Wenyong Rong - Ph.D. - Seismic Compression of Unsaturated Soils
Fatemah Behbehani - Ph.D. - Numerical and Experimental Study of Issues Affecting Energy Piles in Unsaturated Silt
Radhavi Samarakoon - Ph.D. – Thermal Improvement of Normally Consolidated Clay
Jeffrey Newgard - Ph.D. - Ground Improvement for Enhanced Kinematic Control of Rocking Footings on Sand
Visiting Scholars
Abofazl Eslami, Amirkabir University of Technology (2022-2023) - Database analysis of piles
Paolo Lodi, UNESP (2020-2021)
Atsushi Takai, Kyoto University (2015)
Graduated MS Students:
Ibrahim Abaidala – M.S. – Centrifuge Modeling of Reinforced Soil Layers. January 6, 2011.
Samiha Abdelrahman – M.S. – Evaluation of Pulse Wave Reflections to Evaluate Side Friction Changes in Energy Foundations. May 27, 2011.
Bernardo Ambriz - M.S. - Temperature Effects on Pullout of Woven Geotextiles from Unsaturated Silt. March 16, 2018.
Russell Berends – M.S. – Characterization of the Depth of Penetration of Soil Particles into Geosynthetic Drains in Earth Structures. May 30, 2009.
Charles James Coccia – M.S. – Impact of Stress-Induced Anisotropy on Thermal Volume Changes in Compacted Soils. January 7, 2011.
Diming Chen - M.S. - Soil-Structure Interaction in Energy Piles. March 11, 2016.
Abdalla El Tawati – M.S. – Impact of the Rate of Heating on the Thermal Consolidation of Compacted Silt. August 10, 2010.
Joseph Collin Goode III – M.S. – Centrifuge Modeling of Soil -Structure Interaction in Energy Foundations. May 30, 2013.
Theodore Howard – M.S. – Observations from Red Willow Dam. November 30th 2012.
Hannah Iezzoni - M.S. - Temperature Effects on Dielectric Sensors
Dellena Kinikles - M.S. - Hyperbolic Hydro-Mechanical Model for Seismic Compression Prediction of Unsaturated Soils in the Funicular Regime. May 25, 2022.
Isaac Kreitzer - M.S. - High Temperature Effects on the Volume Change and Water Retention Behavior of Unsaturated MX80 Bentonite. December 8, 2023.
Brandon Lampe – M.S. – Mechanical Integrity Tests for Salt Caverns. May 19, 2011.
Christopher Lynch – M.S. – 3D Tomography for Quality Assurance Testing of Compaction Grouting. May 20, 2011.
Kyle Murphy – M.S. – Evaluation of the Thermo-mechanical and Thermal Behavior of Full-Scale Energy Foundations. August 21, 2013.
Jean Parks – M.S. – Centrifuge Modeling of Water and Gas Flow through Passive Methane Oxidation Biocovers. May 19, 2010.
Navid Plaseied – M.S. – Load Transfer Analysis for Energy Foundations. December 12, 2011.
Lauren Reising - M.S. - Thermal Soil Remediation using Soil-Borehole Thermal Energy Storage Systems
Joshua Rosenberg – M.S. – Centrifuge Modeling of Soil Structure Interaction in Geothermal Foundations. May 20, 2010.
Melissa Stewart – M.S. – Centrifuge Modeling of Strain Distributions in Energy Foundations. March 21, 2012.
Jenna Svoboda – M.S. – Impact of Strain Rate on the Shear Strength and Pore Water Pressure Generation of Clays and Sands. August 19, 2013.
Thierry Traore – M.S. – Physical Modeling of Heat and Water Flow in Soil Borehole Thermal Energy Storage Systems in the Vadose Zone. August 19, 2013.
Alexander Vega – M.S. – Impact of Temperature Cycles on the Thermal Consolidation of Compacted Silt under Different Stress States. August 24, 2012.
Pangiotis (Taki) Vlasakakis – M.S. – Ring Shear and Direct Simple Shear Test Methods: Comparisons of Residual Strengths from Field Data and Literature. November 30, 2012.
Walter Zitz - M.S. - Lessons Learned from the Installation of Full-Scale Energy Foundations (MS Project). December 16, 2010.
Graduated BS Researchers:
Brad Sexton (2018), Centrifuge Testing of Energy Piles in Soft Clay.
Candice Hanna (2017), Heat Storage in Shallow Horizontal Thermal Energy Storage Systems, Funded by NSF REU.
Ni Zhan (2016-2017), Performance of Field-Scale Soil-Borehole Thermal Energy Storage Systems, Funded by NSF.
Bernardo Ambriz (2016), Dynamic Response of MSE Bridge Abutments. Funded by Caltrans.
Wante Lu (2016), Dynamic Response of MSE Bridge Abutments. Funded by Caltrans.
Gabriela Bento de Moraes (2016), Geotechnical Properties of Compacted Sand. Funded by Brazilian Science without Borders Program.
João Antonio Dotta (2016), Geotechnical Properties of Compacted Sand. Funded by Brazilian Science without Borders Program.
Brunella Casagrande Brunelli (2015), Thermal Consolidation of Soft Clays. Funded by Brazilian Science without Borders Program.
Amanda Martins de Assis (2015), Nonisothermal Pullout Behavior of Woven Geotextiles. Funded by Brazilian Science without Borders Program.
Thiago da Silva Ribeiro (2015), Nonisothermal Pullout Behavior of Woven Geotextiles. Funded by Brazilian Science without Borders Program.
Rodrigo Costa Dos Santos (2015), Nonisothermal Pullout Behavior of Woven Geotextiles. Funded by Brazilian Science without Borders Program.
Thayza Teixeira (2014), Impact of Rate of Loading on the Undrained Shear Strength of Unsaturated Clay. Funded by Brazilian Science without Borders Program.
Fabricio Valente (2014), Compression of Unsaturated Soils to High Stresses. Funded by Brazilian Science without Borders Program.
Daniel Linkowski (2013-2014), Soil Borehole Thermal Energy Storage Systems, Funded by NSF and CU Discovery Learning Apprentice Program.
Garth Ornelas (2013) Drainage of Water from Unsaturated Soils in a Centrifuge Permeameter, Funded by RESESS Program.
Livia Pimenta (2013) Drainage of Water from Unsaturated Soils in a Centrifuge Permeameter, Funded by Brazilian Science without Frontiers Program.
William Beekman (2012-2013), Pullout of Suction Caissons, Funded by CU Discovery Learning Apprentice Program.
Anna Casady (2011-2012), Thermally Active Geotechnical Systems, Funded by NSF and CU Discovery Learning Apprentice Program.
Joseph Goode III (2011-2012), Thermal Conductivity of Energy Foundations. Funded by NSF.
Jonathan Fairbanks (2011), Thermal Conductivity of Concrete. Funded by DoD ESTCP.
Lt. Daniel Castro (2011), Thermal Conductivity of Concrete. Funded by US Air Force Academy and DoD ESTCP Program.
Naomi Levine (2011), Instrumentations of Energy Foundations. Funded by NSF REU.
Rachel Sobke (2011), Centrifuge Modeling of Soil-Structure Interaction in Geothermal Foundations. Funded by NSF and You’re@CU Program.
Conor Felletter (2010-2011), Mechanisms of Soil-Structure Interaction in Energy Foundations, Funded by NSF and CU Discovery Learning Apprentice Program.
Brennan Counts (2010), Measurement of Thermal Conductivity of Soils using a Thermal Needle.
Todd Lester (2009-2010), Calibration of Sensors for Passive Methane Oxidation Biocovers, Funded by CU Discovery Learning Apprentice Program.
Axaule Sultanova (2009-2010), Thermal modeling of geothermal foundations, Funded by NSF and CU Discovery Learning Apprentice Program.
Christopher Lynch (2009-2010), Effective Stress in Partially Saturated Soils, Funded by the CU Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP).
Charles James Coccia (2009), Centrifuge Modeling of Tunnel Face Stability, Funded by KIRAS.
Pedro Maltos (2008), Use of Colloidal Silica to Repair Leaks in Buried Pipes, Funded by University of Arkansas George Washington Carver Program.
Joshua Craig (2008), Use of Colloidal Silica to Repair Leaks in Buried Pipes, Funded by University of Arkansas George Washington Carver Program.
Visiting Scholars
Paulo Lodi, Professor, Sao Paolo State University, Brazil (2019-2020)
Aiqiang Pan, Ph.D. Student, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2018-2019)
Yutaro Matsuda, M.S. Student, Kyoto University, Japan (2018)
Pouria Esmailpour, Ph.D. Student, Int. Inst. of Earthquake Eng. and Seismology, Iran (2018)
Jie Xu, Ph.D. Student, Tongji University, China (2017-2018)
Takumi Shimizu, M.S. Student, Kyoto University, Japan (2017)
Xu Huang, Ph.D. Student, Hohai University, China (2015-2016)
Aoi Seo, B.S., Kyoto University, Japan (2015)
Prof. Atsushi Takai, Ph.D., Kyoto University, Japan (2015)
Mehmet Can Balci, Ph.D. Student, Batman University, Turkey (2014)
Andre Laurindo, Ph.D. Student, UENF, Brazil (2014)
Seong-Yoon Lim, Ph.D., Korean Institute for Construction Technology, Korea (2010-2012)
Tuğçe Başer, M.S., Bozok University, Turkey (2010-2011)
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